Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can you die from a broken collar bone?

its pretty close to you neck, and if it moves the wrong channel, seems close to it would be fatal.
im have pain surrounded by my collar bone. i broke mine a couple days ago. what can i do to minimize the pain?Can you die from a broken collar bone?
A simple broken collar bone or clavicle will not basis death unless the bone fragments injure the subclavian artery and you bleed to loss. Use an arm sling to minimize the weight of your arm and try to move your shoulder inside limits of niggle a few days later to minimize shoulder stiffness. The clavicle will make well in just about 6 weeks. Even before that you should be capable of use your extremity a little already. This is one bone within our body that heals hurriedly even in adults making surgery massively optional.
Not so oodles years a go i broke mine, the affliction was by far the worse ive ever have, to ease the misery i found it best to just stay contained by the same position, as really you are not intended to move, lay down and take some time to rest, then conceivably start to try and walk, craft sure someone is there to relieve you, evenentually try things like walking up the stairs, which is harder than it sounds. My break be very discouraging, dont know how bad yours be.
Dont know if it could be fatal, but it could impose very discouraging damage.
I own not heard of anybody dying from a broken collar bone. My brother have broken his several times from skateboarding. The pain medication that he be on seemed to backing a lot. You might want to ask your doctor to prescribe a muscle relaxer.
my science tutor told me this a few days ago: any broken bone can kill you, something to do beside the blood vessels..anyway it can result in you to have a stroke.. freaky huh..

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