Saturday, October 23, 2010

Can you give a hand me?

i was at practice and i devise i hyper-extended my leg and i jammed my knee. i walk it off and everything be fine but then i have to play in desire the next morning at practice because i was the goalie. next i tried kneeling down to find the ball and i couldnt even do it because a shooting dull pain went through my leg. i kept playing because i wouldnt do that to my squad and then it go away so there be no pain but i rejammed it one and the same way and it go back to the bearing it was. spasm shooting up my leg. now when when i wander sometimes there is a discomfort on the outside of my knees and there sometimes is popping and i can grain it. i am going back to the doctor surrounded by like june but i be wondering if anyone knows whats wrong beside it. and i also think it may hold to be popped back contained by place.Can you give a hand me?
Hyper-extended means a short time ago that, you have 'stretched' muscles, ligaments beyond where on earth they are supposed to go. You very soon need to rest, allow them to treat.
You could have done some features of damage to the knees itself by knocking it strange or you may have torn a ligament. Either path, you need to see a doctor immediately, not in June. You incontestably shouldn't be playing any kind of sport near an injured knee.

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